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Onemanga. Just read this people review after i find at search engine. Seems many people already did some interesting review right?
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SHVOONG short review3.
Jimmy review5.
Baca Manga Online?6.
JomPhp - Onemanga reviewActually, you can find more review if you look carefully. Most of them already tell us their expression and experience after they try Onemanga website. Its true like its really a
The Home of Manga!
Ps: You can go here if you want to read manga :
encik/cik akmal ni peminat manga ye?
ReplyDeletesaya minat jugak. tapi bukan cerita naruto lah =p
diya. minat sangat. hehe. cerita apa diya minat?
ReplyDeletewah. boleh geng lah kita ni. ahaks.
ReplyDeletediya suka midori no hibi dan yakitate japan.
sangat ADORE midori no hibi tau!
kalau baca komik dia, harus lah tak bergerak geri. dah tgk kat youtube. mengekek sorang2 dari awl sampai habis. isk3. awk menyebabkan diya nak tgk lagi! tapi takleh layan sgt ni. sbb lusa nak exam. ekeke
yakitate japan pulak. diya dah download sampai episod 69. tapi tak habis2 lg tgk nya. huhu
akmal suka cerita naruto je ke?
One Manga? Yup, mmg best bg peminat komik mcm saya..hoho.. ;)